Monday, May 31, 2010

Wrinkles Are Not Cute

We live in a strange society. Young, 20-somethings hawk hair color on television as if they were old and needed to color their hair. Older celebrities hawk products that, they claim, will make you look or feel younger. Seems like folks cannot make up their minds what age they want to be.
When I was young, old people had wrinkles. They were called "character lines". Since my childhood antics often got me called a character I often wondered if I was going to get all wrinkly like them. Crow's feet were called "laugh lines" which certainly sounds better. What the heck were crows doing on someones face anyway? Your grandparents had these lines, perhaps your aunts and uncles too. If your parents were getting up there maybe they had them as well, but odds are you would be the blame, like you were for their gray hair. Odds are good too that only the females in your family worried about these lines. Men worried more about going bald than wrinkles or gray hair.
Times are much different now. The gender lines have blurred to the point where both genders worry about pretty much the same things. And wrinkles are a big concern for both men and women. There are a lot of products out there that claim to reduce these unsightly lines from your face, but which wrinkle cream is the best one for you?
You could spend a lot of time and money trying them all or doing research about them but, in the end, I think the only thing that would get you is a thinner pocketbook and more wrinkles. Better to use the research done by someone else and choose the product that you think is correct. Let someone else get character lines from too much studying!
So, if you have crow's feet under your eyes or your face isn't as youthful as you'd like it to be then check out the products on the website. Look as young as you feel. Give yourself an added boost without the cost of a facelift.

Stress Is What You Make Of It

Okay, so we are all busy little beavers in a very hectic world. No matter what you do for a living there is stress. Some jobs more stress than others. When you are not stressing about your job, or your family or the world or whatever else causes you grief you stress out trying to find ways to relieve that stress. Vicious circle.
I like to kick back and watch poker on television. Not only because I wish to improve my own poker abilities but because I like the thought that these folks are winning so much money. It's like imagining that you've just won the lottery. Imagine being at the final table and winning, solely by ability, a million dollars or more. Now, imagine the stress the losing hand holder must feel. And, you think you have stress!
Someone Tweeted this link yesterday so I took a gander at it. I am amazed at the end result of the video. Not only is one player holding a poker hand to die for the other player is handling his loss with extreme calmness. He has lost over $300,000 in cold, hard cash and yet he is not screaming and yelling or throwing any sort of a temper tantrum. He is very calmly analyzing what has just happened, how it happened and, hopefully, how not to make the same mistake in the future.
Give this video a look. See if you can learn from these two players how better to handle an enormous amount of stress. Here is the link:

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Watch What You Eat

More than one in five adults has a cholesterol problem. Perhaps it is all the greasy, fatty fast foods that we seem to consume so much of. It could even just be the way we eat those foods, always in a rush, hurry, hurry, hurry. It has to be hard on the body to absorb the right parts of the foods and get rid of the bad parts. Not that all fatty, greasy foods will do you in, but a steady diet of them may increase your chances of having a problem with cholesterol.
There are certain risk factors that may contribute to unhealthy cholesterol levels. For instance, high blood pressure, smoking cigarettes, a high fat diet, and genetics can put you at a higher risk for high cholesterol. Eating healthy and exercising regularly certainly helps to main healthy cholesterol levels, however, many people have found that diet and exercise are not always enough..
Not all cholesterol is bad cholesterol. Some of it is good and your body may need it. How in the heck are you supposed to know which is which? And, once you have discovered that you have a cholesterol problem how do you find the correct cholesterol treatment for you?
You can, if you desire, spend hours, perhaps days, searching the internet or scouring through books at your local library hoping to find a treatment that seems right for you. Or, you can take advantage of someone else that has already done the research already. Personally, I would take the second option. Like most people these days I do not have the extra time do spend doing research like that. I am sure you are one of those harried, overworked people as well.
Take a gander at the products that have been reviewed. Find one that makes sense to you that you think will work on your body. These products are not a one size fits all sort of thing as every body is different. Take this information to your doctor and talk it over with them. They know your body better than you do in these cases and can help you decide if it is right for you or not.
Once you have started with a treatment plan, change your diet as best you can. Make some time for some exercise too. Get yourself healthy. Remember, this is the only body you have, take care of it!

The Boot

As a chat room moderator I sometimes have to deal with people that really do not want to chat. They would prefer to get booted, meaning they lose their chat ability. They can read but they cannot respond. I do not like to use the boot but sometimes it is inevitable.
Players get cranky and that is understandable. If things are not working properly for them they come to the lobby and either ask why or they vent their frustrations. Venting is fine so long as you don't vent too much or start to bash the site. If you are asked to stop whatever it is you are doing then you should stop and most players will. Some, however think they are above the rules and continue on and on until the mods have no choice but to give them the boot.
Last night I had to boot someone from the lobby. Spent considerable amount of time talking about how he had been on the site longer than any of those of us in the lobby, how the site should make him a premium member because of that tenure, blah, blah, blah.
Then he decided he wanted to argue with one of the mods. That is a no-no. He was warned, twice, to stop. But, on a roll, he went forward. First he got a soft boot meaning that he could log off, log back in and his chat is restored. Normally this cures players. Not this lovely guy.
Immediately upon his return he started back in, arguing about anything and everything and bashing the site. I lost my normal cool and booted him, hard. Twelve hours this time!
A short time later a friend came in and started giving the other mod hell for booting his friend, defending the one I booted. I let him know he was bitching at the wrong mod and why his friend was booted. He wanted to argue with me now. I told him that, unless he wanted to follow his friend with the boot process he should stop arguing and go play. Thankfully, he did.
When I boot someone I have to copy all the chat that led up to the booting and put it on a forum page so that the head mod can read it the next day and decide if I was right or wrong or if I should have banned the player for a longer period of time. It is time consuming and none of the mods like to do that "paperwork".
Alas, there are times when one just has no other recourse than to use The Boot.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Chilling Outside

The weather is finally looking nice outside, sunny and warm. Except, of course, for the wind that blows through the valley during the Springtime. It may look warm but once you step outside and that wind hits you will go back inside and find a sweater or a jacket. But, Summer is coming soon and then people where I live will wish there was a cool breeze coming down from the mountains.
But, it is that time of year to think about kicking back, chilling, relaxing outside on your patio or deck. Whether it is just your family or a few friends over for a get together there is just something nice about being outside in the warm weather. It's also barbecue season and that puts more and more folks outside as well. But, once the meal is cooked, you have to be able to sit somewhere. How's your patio furniture?
With the nice weather and the thoughts of great barbecued meals comes the time to think about the patio furniture. Is it old and weather beaten? Will it stand up to another year of get togethers? Face it, it is time for some new outdoor furniture!
Whether you are looking for simple patio furniture or benches to something more stylish and uptempo, you have to check out this site. Heck, they even have Tiki huts if you want to really look spectacular. (Imagine throwing an island themed party when you have a hut like that!)
You can always add a little romance to your patio life with an outdoor fireplace. Get nice and cozy out there once you've sent the kids to bed. This site has so many nice things, heck, let your imagination run wild.
Get ready for the outside. Summer is almost here!

New And Improved?

Why is it that products hit the market trying to convince the public that it is the best thing ever, only to come out with a new product sometime later saying "new and improved"? If it truly were the best thing ever, how could it possibly be improved? And, of course, there is no way it could be new, it's already been on the market lol

In the internet world, sites are always "improving" their software. I don't know why this is either since, more often than not, all they manage to do is create more glitches and bugs that it may be worth. I wonder if these same people fix their automobiles when there is nothing wrong with them? You know, if something works...leave it alone!

One of the game sites I play on is constantly "improving" their software. They do such a great job that often the site will not load or, if it does, it loads and runs at the pace of a snail. How is that an improvement?

Another one does seek to improve its software and then there are bugs and glitches everywhere. They work very hard at fixing the bugs as they show up which is nice though. They don't take days like some places. I feel bad for the support people that have to do this fixing, even though I know they pretty much brought it upon themselves. Whenever they do an update it is always worth it in the end.

I also feel sorry for chat room mods whenever there is a software update. While these folks help support out by relaying bugs and glitches they also have to put up with irate players in the lobby bitching and moaning about why things are messed up. Game players I have noticed have very little patience for upgraded software. I'm sure that, at times, I am one of those impatient people. Perhaps that is because my brain always goes back to the same thought...If it ain't broken, don't fix it!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

FB And Spam

I like Facebook, don't get me wrong. I have nice friends on there as well as family members. It's a nice way to keep track of family that I have either never seen or have met when they were babies (grandkids). It's also a nice way to bug my grown up children that live two states away :)
What really irks me about FB tho is the spam I get. For some strange reason if someone posts a video or a photo everyone in their friends list gets "tagged". So, every time that someone posts a comment on the photo or video then I get an email. I'm not in the video or the photo but I must receive all the comments.
I get enough spam emails on a daily basis, I certainly do not require any more. I wish FB would fix this silly problem. I've wiped out about 40 emails today for a video that I was "tagged" in and I am not in the video. Hell, I haven't even looked at the video.
Stupid FB :(

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

No Waddling

You ever notice that some overweight people really don't seem to walk? Rather they look like a duck, they waddle along. Are you a walker or a waddler? Do you have a spring in your step or do you simply shuffle along because you're overweight and it takes too much effort to truly lift your feet?
If you waddle, or shuffle those feet, it's time to lose some of that weight! You need to get into better shape, not only to improve your walking ability but also for your overall health. Being overweight is hard on the body, hard on the heart, hard on everything. It's time for a diet plan and some help with some good diet pills.
You need to look into these pills, you know. But, you're way too busy waddling through your life, work and social life. But, take heart, folks, there is help on the way via these quicktrim reviews. has done all the research for you. All you have to do is surf over to their website and check out what is what. Since you can do it all online, there's no need to waddle anywhere and waste all that effort. Just use your mouse and your hand and you're there! How easy is that?
There are way too many products on the market these days that guarantee you great results, fast and easy weight loss, etc. Most of it is pure hype.What you need is to find the one product that is right for you. Not your neighbor, not some highly paid celebrity, you. Search through the site and find what's right for you. Waddle on over to your doctor and take this information to them. It is always best to talk to your doctor before you start any sort of diet or exercise plan and even more important to talk to them before you take any sort of diet aids.
Get rid of that excess poundage and soon you will be a true walker again, not a shuffler or a waddler. You'll feel better about yourself and look better. And best of all you'll be much healthier!

Easy Come, Easy Go

I wonder how many of you figured out the message of the two songs that I posted. The messages aren't really hidden, especially in the second song.
The first song is a beautiful love song, and hippies are all about love and peace for sure, but the message that hit me the hardest in the song was:
If they gave me a fortune, my pleasure would be small, I could lose it all tomorrow and never mind at all. It's only money people. Easy come, easy go! Yes, it does seem like most people work their tails off at their jobs for what they often see as a small reward on payday. By the time you've paid all your bills there's not much left over to waste. But, your thinking is erroneous.
You have a roof over your head. You have utilities that help you to be able to cook your food and heat or cool your home. You have a telephone service so that you can keep in contact with other people or surf the web through a DSL connection. You more than likely have cable so that you can enjoy whatever television programs you like to watch. Basically, you have all the things that you need and some that you do not need but you want. Grumbling about not having enough will not get you anywhere, enjoy what you DO have!
The second song is much easier to decipher. I don't give a damn about a greenback dollar. Again, it is only money! The character of this song is happy with just a whaling song and a good guitar. He travels but you don't hear any mention of a fast car or even a fast horse. He simply enjoys the simple things in life and he is happy. We all could take lessons from that!
So, remember, it is only money and it does go easily. Enjoy whatever simple pleasures you have in life and be happy. No sense going through life being miserable because you don't have this or that fancy thing. All that worry and stress gets you is bad health. And, with bad health you won't enjoy much of anything!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Vitamin Power

No matter your age you really need to take at least one vitamin. Babies get their vitamins from their formula and their baby foods. Children and adults these days normally cannot say the same thing. Too much fast foods from drive-throughs, too much food nuked in a microwave, too little time eating right and eating healthy. We need a vitamin supplement to ensure that our body is getting the nutrients and vitamins that it needs to keep us going.
Multivitamins are one of the least recognized health products on the market. They are looked upon as barely needed, and yet they are one of the most important elements of our health. In a society where most of us do not consume balanced diets in general, we need these formulas to help us to provide some level of balance, and they have been known to deal with many common health issues.
Some people need just one vitamin, some need all of them. I take Vitamin B-12 as I have bouts of anemia and I need that vitamin in a stronger dose than most multi-vitamins provide. But, I know that my body also needs other vitamins to keep me functioning well so a multi-vitamin is also required.
I'm sure that if you stop for a moment and think about what you eat on a day to day basis you will come to the conclusion that you need a multi-vitamin to help your body. If you have kids, you really need those vitamins. How can you explain to a child that a vitamin is important if you won't take them yourself? You cannot.

Hint Number Two

Another message song. See if you can find the (not so) hidden message here:

Do It Quickly

You want to lose some excess weight but diets seem to take forever. There is always exercise, but that too takes forever. You look in the mirror and see that flab and you want it gone, but you want it gone now! Unfortunately, there is no miracle available that will allow you to do that, so you put off the diets and the exercise and think that, someday you'll get around to it. You are missing your chance though.
Diets are rampant these days, so many different plans and diets that it can make the mind boggle at them all. Which one is the right one, since they all seem to disagree with one another? And, more importantly, do any of them actually work?
I think that diets can work for a person, if you put your mind to it and follow the plan and get some exercise to go along with it all. But, I also think that a person needs some extra help, like Lipofuze.
Lipofuze uses proven ingredients including green tea, ginger, cayenne, phenylethylamine, synephrine, evodiamines, razberi-k, 20hydroxyecclysterone, 7 OXO DHEA, fucoxanthin, forslean, guggul EZ100, and bioperine in their weight loss formula. They use extremely high amounts and appropriate amounts of all these ingredients, meaning this formula could make some people lose more than 1 pound per day with the proper diet and exercise plan of course.
So, imagine that you have thirty pounds of excess weight. Using this formula and a good diet and exercise program you should be able to rid yourself of that extra poundage in roughly one month. That's pretty quick!
Of course before you run right out and get this formula and pick a diet and exercise regimen you should consult your regular physician. There can be no joy of weight loss if something makes you unhealthy. Your doctor knows more about your body and can assist you in choosing the diet materials needed for your body to actually succeed.
If you want to lose weight and you want to do it quickly you owe it to yourself to check this out.


Before I do the hippie post, I want to share this video with you. There is a very strong message in this song that affected me deeply and was a major contributor to my hippie way of thinking. I wonder if anyone will find the message in this wonderful love song.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Human Growth

I just finished bowling and I am exhausted and very sore. My muscles are not in the shape they were in my younger days and that is very obvious whenever I attempt some strenuous activity like bowling. My body needs some help!
I was very active when I was working, doing a custodial job requires a lot of energy and a fit body. Now that I have been retired and no longer as active, my body has run out of oomph. I need to get back into some sort of regimen of activity and I need something extra to help those muscles along, like hgh releasers.
I'm looking at a product called Ultra Max HGH. According to the website, Ultra Max HGH stimulates the pituitary gland to actively produce more human growth hormone for greater lean muscle mass, reduced body fat, increased rate of healing of the skin, and otherwise improved immune function among other things commonly associated with youth. Ultra Max HGH makes you less susceptible to time and age, and with it, you will never have to suffer another problem or side effect again.
Now I do not have any real body fat to speak of, but I can certainly use more muscle mass and help with my immune system isn't anything to sneeze at either, pardon the pun.
Along with weaker muscles, I do tend to get sick for longer periods than I used to. A common cold can last a lot longer than 3 or 4 days and I don't like that. I relize that, at almost sixty, my body is never going to be what it was at twenty, or even thirty. But, if I can take these supplements and get myself into the shape I was even at forty I'll be happy.
If you are like me, getting a little older and dragging instead of being full of pep and vigor you should check out these supplements for yourself. The website has done all the research so you won't even have to tire yourself out doing that. Just check out what they have reviewed, pick the one that you think is best and you're ready to make a change in yourself.
As with anything like these supplements, please consult your doctor before you take them. Make sure they are right for your current health and let the doctor advise you as to how best to utilize the supplements as well as an exercise plan of action. Become a newer, stronger, healthier you!

I Lied

I know I said I was going to write a post about being a hippie, but I lied. I have that post floating around in my head but it's not coming out today.
I just finished up my bowling league and my body is hurting all over and I just don't want to write about being a hippie. I really don't care to write at all, but I need to do so.
I have a paid post I need to write today. Body aches and pains be damned, I must finish my assignments on time. I hate to make it seem like I am chasing after the Almighty Dollar, but at this point in time, I must chase a little.
Finances here dictate that I do so. The Good Lord has blessed me in my time of finacial need with extra assignments and I am thankful for all of them :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Let's Get Thinner

Most Americans are overweight. I hear this all the time on news programs so I have to believe it is true. I'm as skinny as a stick so just about everyone is fat to me so I can't judge just from looking at people. Many people want to be thinner but they never seem to accomplish the task.
Dieting is too hard, too stressful, to much a pain in the butt to deal with. Diet books and plans are everywhere, constantly there is something "new" and "different". Diet pills come and go, many of them reported on the news as being dangerous or unhealthy. If you are a dieter, what are you supposed to do? Willpowere alone is not enough.
In spite of them, diets are the way to go. But, diets alone are not enough. You need some help with those, you need to look into diet supplements to give you that extra edge and assist you to meeting your weight loss goals.
But, which supplement is right for you? Only you and your doctor know the correct answer to that question. And I strongly urge you to consult a doctor before you start any sort of diet or exercise regimen. I do not want to see you on the news!
researching anything these days is as time consuming as ever, even with the internet at your disposal. Yes, the net is faster, but still time consuming. And, for most folks, that is time better spent on more enjoyable activities.
But, there is a site that has done the research already and can assist you in making a wise decision. You owe it to yourself and your physical well being to give it a look. Find the supplement that best suits your style and budget. Take that information to your doctor and discuss it.
Once you've made a decision, get with the program and lose that excess weight. Stick with it, no matter how hard it may seem, the results are well worth the effort. Since many obese people have horrible health conditions at some point in life ask yourself this question: Is a little effort more valuable than a lifetime of health concerns?
Get yourself thinner. Not as skinny as me, but thinner just the same. A thinner you is a healthier you.

It's Only Money

I grew up in the poor part of every town I ever lived in. In most of these places those places today would be called "the projects". Nothing but poor people there, striving to make ends meet with whatever resources they could find, be it welfare checks or a low paying job. Not the most pleasant of life's pictures for most folks. But, most folks would be wrong.
The majority of these people were happy. Sure, they don't have enough money, or food at times, but what they do have is heart and soul. They have their family and they are happy. Yes, they dream of having lots of money and living in a big fancy house. Yes they sometimes dream of having servants that will do all their housework. But, deep down inside, they know this is all a dream. But, everyone needs a dream to help them get through the tough times.
As a poor kid I sometimes had the opportunity to play with rich kids, many of them spoiled beyond belief. After a visit with one of these kids I would be amazed at all the goodies they had to play with but I also felt great sorrow for these kids. Sorrow because they had every little thing that they wanted yet were not happy with any of them.
These visits to the "other side of the tracks" taught me one of the most valuable lessons I would ever learn in life. It is only money. Money cannot buy you happiness no matter how hard you try. It can buy you material things that will, temporarily, make you feel happy but that happy feeling is short lived.
I have lived almost 60 years on this earth and, even though I worked at a good job with good pay, I have always been poor. I'm retired now and I am most definitely poor, money-wise. But I really do not care as I still know that "it's only money" is as true now as it was when I was a kid.
I have my family, five grown stepchildren who love me. I have two spouses who care about my health and well being. I have a few friends that care about me too. I have great faith to get me through even the darkest of times. As you can see, I have it all!
And, in my next personal post I will explain how this "it's only money" philosophy led me down the path of becoming a hippie in the 1960's. I'm almost 60 and it is now 2010 and, guess what? I am still a hippie!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Need Electronics?

As you may have guessed from my last blog post, I am very happy with my wireless setup for the three people that live in my house. All of us can be online in some fashion at the same time without any hassles at all. This is, for me, electronics at their best.
Now that I have the computer problem solved, it is time to look for other toys and gadgets to make our lives more enjoyable. Of course, for us, that means more electronics.
At one time or another both of my two girls (wife and daughter) have mentioned how much they would enjoy having one of those devices that allows you to read books. I am now looking at one of those devices, the Sony PRS-900BCKIT. This is an eBook Digital Reader Daily Edition. It comes with free 3G Wireless Access, a 7.1" Touchscreen, looks like all the bells and whistles one would ask for in an eReader.

In case you're wondering, it is 5 x 8-1/8 x 19/32 inches and weighs just under 13 ounces. That's less than one pound, so it is light and, I'm sure, easy to carry wherever you may go. And, isn't that what you want an eReader for, to take with you? This gadget is certainly better than hauling books around!
Not a book person? You're more in tune with video? This site also has a great gadget for you, a portable DVD player. It has a 7" widescreen TFT LCD color display and is DVD, DVD±R/RW, CD, CD-R/RW, JPEG, and MP3 compatible. So, no matter your tastes in formats this gadget should have you covered. And, while you're buying that, don't forget to grab a pair of the Able Planet Clear Harmony Active Noise Cancelling Headphones. That way you can enjoy your videos without disturbing anyone around you. Unless you are watching music videos and decide to get up and start dancing!
If you are looking for some great electronics, you surely need to check out the site and see what they have for you. Life is better with electronic devices!

Removing The Wires

The lovely people in the Los Angeles area warehouse for UPS finally decided that they could no longer get away with their "inclement weather" excuse and sent my wireless router up here and it was delivered yesterday afternoon. I say excuse because, frankly, it was an excuse. I'm right over the mountain from them and I know exactly what their inclement weather was. it was sunny as could be with some stronger than usual wind. People that live in Los Angeles tend to be very wimpy when it comes to the weather. The terrible wind that they got? Almost an every day breeze up here in the desert.
Anyway, I got the router and hooked it up. Piece of cake set up! The laptop was up first and it found the wireless signal with no problem. Ran better in the bedroom than in the living room for some unknown reason (although today the signal is the same in both rooms).
While my lovely wife was playing on the laptop I got her Ipod out and set it up to log into the wireless router. Fun!
Now all three people in the house can actually be on the net at the same time without begging someone to let them have a chance at the computer. Wireless router is a blessing :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tough Times

Even though the economy appears to be on the mend, there still seem to be tough times for too many people.
Last night, very late last night, I went to a game site that was offering a chance to win $200. This was shortly after one in the morning my time, four in the morning for the east coast states. You would think that, given the lateness of the hour, that there wouldn't be that many people up and playing online.
I anticipated a few hundred players. What I ran into was over 1750 players, all hoping for at least a small portion of the $200 prize. Imagine sitting at a computer for a couple of hours in the wee small hours of the morning hoping to get a small pittance at least as a reward. Who says times aren't tough?
For the record, I did not play well enough to get a small pittance or anything for that matter. I did enjoy myself for the 20 minutes or so that I was actually in the game and odds are that I will return to that site and try again at some point in time.
Why, you ask? Because times are tough. People everywhere are still scrambling for that extra dollar here and there, trying to make the most of whatever money they can grab.
For me, it's simple. I'm retired and the monthly check I get is barely enough to sustain a household. And extra dollar or two? I'm there!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Job Searching

As the economy has suffered, so have people. Downsizing, companies that have gone under, general layoffs, all have contributed to too many people out of work and searching for a new job.
Years ago the best way to search for a job was to look in your local paper, circle the ads that looked interesting then hit the pavement and apply for them. Many a day was spent pounding that pavement and many a day was finished with despair when no job was given.
These days, thanks to the internet, job searching can be done without leaving the comfort of your home, using such websites as Monster or, if you want a specific location, a site like job search engines pa.
A good local site like Philly Jobs can be thought of as the modern equivalent of the Sunday paper. You can search jobs by industry as well as location. It also offers you the option of posting your resume so that potential employers can find you.
You don't really wish to work in Philadelphia? No problem. Philly Jobs also has listings for the state of Pennsylvania as well as surrounding states like New York and New Jersey.
So, if you are one of those out pounding the pavement, be it real or the internet pavement, you should check out Philly Jobs and see if they can help you find a good job. With a new job you'll feel better, no matter which way the economy is going. There's just something very satisfying in getting a regular paycheck and Philly Jobs may be able to help you with that.