Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Pinterest is a social media outlet site that allows its users to "pin" photos and other such media to their board or pinboard if you will. Subjects there can run the gamut of just about anything from birthdays to weddings to just life itself.
The site can also be used to express business ideas or your businesses themselves, for example, triangle direct.
Triangle Direct is a marketing company, a company I use frequently and trust completely. They have been in business since 2006 and serve mostly small to enterprie beginning businesses through a variety of services like helping businesses get a better search rating and getting bloggers like myself to talk about these businesses.
Pinterest can be better than Facebook or Twitter in the sense that most of the things you see there are in photo form. Photos are a much nicer form of getting someones attention in a short time than words will ever be.
Go and check out the Pinterest site and see if perhaps they can help you share your business ideas. Or they may simply allow you to share your photos and imagination and ideas to the whole world.

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