Monday, October 13, 2008

Lots of contests, but are you in?

My friend Pelf is running contests during Breast Cancer Awareness Month and wonders why there are not more people joining in, so I thought I would give her blog a plug and see if it helps :) Here is her post:
You know what’s funny?

I am running a series of simple-to-play and fun contests on the official Pink for October website, but why aren’t YOU participating? We are giving away a lot of attractive prizes throughout the month, plus, it’s for a good cause! Did you know that by participating, you are actually reaching out to your readers and increasing awareness on this deadly but preventable disease? :D

So let me tell you more about the contests that I’m running:

Every Monday and Thursday, I will announce a word, and you are supposed to find or take a picture that best describes that word and blog about it. After that, you should drop by and leave me a comment and link on the post. It’s that easy! On Oct 31st, I will randomly pick a lucky winner from all those who leave me a comment. Which means that the more you play, the higher your chances are of winning something :D

On top of that, there are also those month-long contests. You could either share a breast cancer related true story, or you could design a Pink for October button/banner/badge, and and on Oct 31st, I will randomly pick a winner.

Seriously, MY CONTESTS are definitely easier than those that ask you to write a 5000-word essay about your first love, or why you like to watch rainbows, no?

Come and join us! :vodka:

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