Friday, August 2, 2013

For My Neice

putting this here because it might be too wordy for Facebook... My poor brother and his awful memory lol That's what a lifetime of alcohol and drugs will do to a man's brain :( Neither Of Virginia's parents or Georges were immigrants. Their parents may have been, have no clue there. I never met George's parents but I did know both of Virginia's parents and they didn't even have an accent beyond that which most people living in Pennsylvania and Ohio have which isn't much of an accent at all. Not like the South or New Yorkers have. George served in the Army for over 20 years and was in Germany for a number of those years. He was a Master Sargeant with a soft office job so I do not blame him for not wanting to leave the service. He retired from the Army and worked as a Security Guard after that for a number of years. Virginia spent her years having babies during her marriage to George lol Not sure she worked at anything, she never mentioned any jobs she had during that time. Most of the jobs my mother had through her life were factory jobs or as a bar maid, things that come and go and nothing ever permanent. In her later years she had severe back problems and could not work at all and lived on welfare then later on Social Security benefits she got from being the spouse of my stepfather who was deceased. Not sure how she managed to live on what little she got there but she did :) Let me talk about your daddy too lol Paul was a great kid for maybe the first twelve years or so. Then he was more trouble than he may have seemed worth lol Seems like he was always in trouble with the law or he was getting into mischief being drunk, something that never seemed to cure itself. He could be a wonderful person when he was sober or off drugs but sadly those times were few and far between. Probably his greatest accomplishment in life was that he died older than I thought he would and he helped to create you. He loved you more than words can say and was always proud as a peacock to be your father. I hope you always remember that, no matter what else you recall about him. I remember that he was a real pain in the ass to me and he cost me a lot of money through the years with stuff that he stole or allowed his "friends" to steal from me. But, I forgive him all that because I love the man. I remember Paul as a small child, 4 years older than me who was a typical big brother and a pain in the ass lol But I know that he really loved me so it was all good, just part of growing up as brothers. No one is perfect, not even your uncle Frank :-P I hope some of this helps you with your family interests :)