Monday, April 14, 2008

Strange Spring

Today is a little on the cool side, yet yesterday was almost like summer, with temperatures in the high 80's. Why can't Mother Nature make up her mind already?LOL
Maybe it will warm up again around noon.I hope so,because I am not a cool weather person! I like it hot, that's why I like the desert. Although, I won't be shocked if in the summertime I complain about the heat.I have noticed that with every passing year I get less comfortable with the heat. Odd how that happened.
I've lived in this desert for the better part of forty-odd years. I hated the heat when I first moved here,but after a summer or two, I was used to it and then I grew to love it. But, now that I am older (57) I am going backwards, to where the heat seems to much for me. I guess the solution would be to just become a nudist and let it all hang out and get myself an all over tan LOL


Roufa Tav Gosou & Mimi Lass said...

Perhaps it's getting hotter and hotter? Or, hey, maybe you are getting hotter and hotter! In that case, getting naked could make things worse.

fwidman said...

It might make things worse, it might scare the neighbors too! LOL