Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday November 9,2009

Played the weekly championship tourney yesterday. Was sailing along pretty well for a while but then had a streak of bad luck, bad cards and just misplayed some hands. But, it isn't all bad news. We started with 1364 players and I finished 108th. I made it past a lot of players! I also lasted for roughly an hour and a half so I can take some pride in myself for that.
On a different poker site where normally I am humbled by getting beaten soundly by much better players I entered a qualifying tourney just for the heck of it. $500 Weekly Qualifier. I finished in 92nd place with a starting field of 589 players. Not too shabby :)
I try to look for the positives of my game instead of dwelling on the negatives. Everybody has bad days at poker, even those who play it for a living.

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