Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Skid Steer

The city where I live has been on a tear lately about improvements to older neighborhoods like mine. they have grumbled about every little thing from the trash cans being seen from the street (who drives down a street looking to see if trash cans are visible?) to the dirt in between the sidewalks and the curbs. Oh, and the yards.
In my neighborhood the planners thought that all houses should have really huge yard areas. Nice if you have kids, a place to play that is close to the house and safer than the streets. Unfortunately the large yard areas just tend to produce a lot of weeds and tumbleweeds. The city would like better vegetation in these areas.
In between my house and the street there is an enormous amount of dirt and weeds. Great place for a humongous garden if one wanted one. However it would take a ton of man hours of back breaking labor to do such a project. This project would be much easier with a skid steer. Once you start digging up all that dirt you are going to have to move it somewhere. Too many trips with a simple wheelbarrow. ugh.
I somewhat like the idea of a large area of vegetation. I am thinking of planting pine trees all over the yard so that, if nothing else, my trashcans cannot be seen from the street. Neither will they see my house.

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