Monday, May 7, 2012


My daughter lives in some sort of fashion fairy tale. She loves high society fashions and thinks that she should wear these things in spite of the fact that we are dirt poor. Too many hours of television shows and movies for her lol A couple of days ago she came home from shopping with this enormous hat. This is the sort of hat i would imagine the Queen of England wearing so of course I burst out laughing. This upset my daughter quite a bit but I could not stop giggling nor could I tell her what was so terribly wrong with that hat. I live in the Mojave Desert, a place where the winds usually blow between 20 and 30 mph. Not the place for any hat, more so one as large as hers. Heck, even baseball caps have trouble staying put on peoples heads as they walk. Her hat might be okay if we had a car but we do not. Everywhere they go there is walking involved so that hat is a disaster waiting to occur. First day I saw her wearing it outside she was hanging onto it for dear life and had her head bent over against the breeze. Told my wife later in private that our kid looked like a Mexican taking siesta, all you can see is her hat bent down looking like a sombrero. LOL Poor child of mine. Such a dreamer she is.