Friday, May 25, 2012

The Way To Fully See

My daughter, into high fashion and weddings and all that, takes a good amount of time preparing herself before she goes to most places. She wants to look her best as she is single and she realizes that first impressions are lasting ones. So, she primps and preens in front of the mirror, hogging up the bathroom. The problem with that mirror is that it is over the sink and there really isn't enough room in there to move backwards to fully see your entire outfit. She can, of course ask Mom or myself and often does. I don't think she really believes me when I say she looks fine. I am a man but I am an old man, not the hip young man she will be seeing wherever she is going. Old geezers lie I guess, especially fathers. What my daughter truly needs is a floor length mirror so that she can look at herself and her outfits and judge for herself if she looks fine or terrible. Or perhaps a Girl's Standing Mirror would do the trick, even though it is designed for little girls, it is standing and it is pink (her favorite color) and my daughter is short. No matter what mirror it is I should buy one soon as I do want my daughter to go out looking her best so that she might impress a handsome young man who will take her away from home. Then she can ask her husband if she looks good and hopefully won't think he fibs when he says you look great.