Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Looking Back

Reading some of my friends pages on Facebook I came across one that was talking about their high school reunion last summer. They were talking about a guy they knew (and I assume liked a lot) that had changed drastically through the years. I guess we all do, some more so than others.
Whenever I run into people that knew me in high school I am always amazed at their reaction to me. They say I haven't changed a bit! This makes me laugh because I grew a foot taller after graduating, my hair is now 99% gray and I have no teeth (I hate my dentures so I don't wear them). Other than that, nope, I haven't changed a bit. I'm sure what they are talking about is that I was as skinny as a stick in high school-4 foot 8 and 95 pounds soaking wet. Today I am about 5 foot 9 and I weigh roughly 103. I am still as skinny as a stick. But, what about you?
Take a good look at yourself in a mirror. Do you like the way you look these days? If you went to your high school or college reunion would you be the one that everyone is talking about and not in a good way? Have you turned the slim, sleek you into an overweight couch potato? Isn't it time to change that look?
There seem to be more fads and other diets out there than Carter has pills. Which are the best ways to lose weight? Some promise super fast weight loss while others simply try to change the way you look at foods in general. While the former generally gets the most attention from folks, the latter might be the better road to travel. But supplements are the way that most dieters take and there are many, many supplements on the market. Choosing which one is right for you can take some serious time and effort on your part.
Losing weight can be a daily battle. Diet pills promise the world and yet leave you with diet pills that never work! Fads come and go, and they never produce lasting results. But sometimes it seems like there are no other options! But if you want real results, weight loss supplements may be the answer! And by looking at the website linked above you can choose which supplement will be best for you. The research has already been done for you, all you have to do is read the reviews and choose. Simple enough for any couch potato.
Remember though that before you dive head first into the diet supplement waters you should first discuss these things with your doctor. Make sure your body is able to handle anything that you want to take. Safety first is always the right way to go.
Good luck with your weight loss and even better luck impressing old classmates when you go to your alma mater's reunion.

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