Friday, February 19, 2010

Thin Is In

Those of you that regularly read this blog must know by now that I think thin is the way to be. Maybe that's because I am as skinny as a stick, maybe it is because obesity is a major health problem these days. But, thin is not always the way to be.
While washing my hair I realized that, even though it is long enough to be past my shoulders, it isn't as thick as it used to be. I guess I got that from my mother whose hair started to get thinner looking the older she got. The bright side is that I am not as thin in the hair department as my stepsons, all of whom seem to have gotten their father's genes and their foreheads are rather high. I might be gray and thinning but I am not going bald lol
So, I went off in search for the answer to what is the best shampoo for thinning hair? I came across this site that reviews products for those of us concerned with both thinning hair and those who are beyond thinning but are starting to lose their hair. Some of these products are designed for both genders which is nice since many products for women do not work at all for men and vice-versa. You have to have the right product for you and your body.
While I don't think I need something as drastic as Rogaine quite yet, it was nice to read the review for it and the other products available and choose one that can actually help me. You see, I don't care if you go bald, I only worry about my hair.
While I know that the older I get the thinner my hair may become I still think, at 59, I am vain enough to want to have the fullest head of hair that I can have. I'm not the handsomest man on the planet so anything that can make me look better is always a plus. And women do seem to like my hair even if it is gray.
So, if you are losing some of your hair or you just want more of it, you might want to look into these products for yourself.

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