Friday, January 13, 2012

Different Opinions

My lovely wife finally got to see a doctor yesterday about her eye. Got to see two doctors actually as the first one sent her somewhere else to get a second opinion. And, the two doctors had different opinions. So, we shall see what happens with that.
First one gave her several prescriptions for allergies and such, thinking the eye problem was caused by allergies.
Second doctor gave her some other prescriptions, their opinion is that my wife has somehow managed to get pink eye. Don't know how that would happen, nor why none of the rest of the household has gotten it, i believe pink eye is very contagious. But then, I am not a doctor, what do I know?
At any rate she has a new eye patch to wear to help keep the bright lights away from that eye and she will be getting her meds soon so she can take those and, hopefully, the eye problem will go away.

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