Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Years ago, while in my late twenties, I started getting hot flashes like nobody's business. At first I laughed about it, making jokes about going through menopause, but the jokes stopped after a few days of these annoying flashes of heat. If only they had come in the Winter! Summertime in the desert is hot enough, I did not need any extra warmth.
I wasn't sure what was causing these hot flashes but I did know I had no time to worry about them. I had to go to work every day and provide for a family of six. No time for silly doctor visits. Besides, I was rather embarrassed to be having what I had always thought of as something only women get. Hormonal imbalances are for girls, not guys. But, I was very wrong.
Hormonal imbalances happen to both genders and they are not that rare an occasion either. But there is hope and help available for these things, as in Hormone replacement therapy.
The Austin Wellness Clinic offers help to alleviate the pain and suffering caused by conditions such as menopause (and signs of early menopause), perimenopause, PMS, stress induced adrenal fatigue, and andropause (male menopause). See? MALE MENOPAUSE!
Dr. John Haest, MD, medical director at the Austin Wellness Clinic, works with women and men to create comprehensive, preventive treatment programs using bioidentical hormone therapy combined with proper nutrition and exercise.
If you are suffering from menopause or andropause or anything else that may be hormone related like PMS you should go and read the information that is available on their website. I wish such a thing had been available that awful Summer I was suffering through those hot flashes. You don't have to suffer like I did, go read and educate yourself on what can be done to solve your problem.

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