Friday, May 29, 2009


Yesterday was spent with all the events that surround a high school graduation, from a quick meal before to the tediousness of the ceremony itself to a wonderful buffet dinner after the ceremony.
Although I have not cared much for the school or the so called teachers there, I am proud that my child has graduated and can now move forward. I fear that she, like the rest of her peers, are in for a very rude awakening. I doubt that society has deteriorated to the point where bosses will be happy when you decide that your MP3 tunes or your gameboy or texting is more important than actually doing your job. Unless, of course, you are lucky enough to get a job wherever it is that Howie Mandel's son works, according to their commercial LOL
I wish my child the very best of luck and I do pray that she succeeds in whatever endeavor she chooses to follow. At the moment it is a wedding planner. While I don't think she has the personality for this job, it is her choice, not mine. I can only stand aside now and watch as she tries, because that is what parents must do :)

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