Thursday, December 23, 2010

How Ironic

After more than a week of rain, rain and even more rain, the sun finally decided to show up for the day. Looked very lovely as I sat here looking out the window and enjoying the warmth that the sunshine brought in.
Suddenly, without any warning whatsoever, the power to my house went off! I assume it wasn't just my house as we just paid the bill a few days ago, but the neighborhood.
So, here I sat with no power, no computer, no nothing but the sunshine which also went away quickly as more clouds rolled into the valley.
Since I had been sitting here contemplating microwaving some food I guess it was good that we have cereal and milk, or I might starve without my precious electricity.
Power was off for about an hour, not that big of a deal, just seemed ironic that the one day of nice weather in such a long period of time is the day the power goes off.

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