Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I'm excited!

On one of my other blogs, I wrote a piece the other day about cell phones and how easily lost they can get and a solution to this problem.
Imagine my surprise today to discover that one of my visitors had come from the Wall Street Journal. Of course, being a curious sort, I had to click that link. I was taken to a page on the WSJ and a column about cell phones. There, at the end of the column was a list of two related blogs, and mine was one of them!
Shucks, I was so happy I even took a screenshot to save for posterity LOL You see, it just goes to show that you never know where your blog words ,may end up!


The_Mrs said...

Wow! Congratulations!! Did you send them an email asking for your contributors fee? ;)

fwidman said...

LOL! I didn't think of it! I guess I missed my chance LOL