Saturday, February 2, 2008

What Do You Want From Your Readers?

Obviously, you'd like your readers to click on your sponsors, otherwise you'll make no money from your blog. But, that's not the important part.

You want your readers to read your words of wisdom and to comment. Unless you are tracking every visitor to your page, how else would you know that you are being read? Comments are the only true way to know. You know not only that they read your post, but they also cared enough about what they read to take time out of their precious day to respond. This is the most important part!

There is nothing about blogging that is more satisfying than to know what you wrote caused a person to respond back. Even a spammer. They didn't have to choose your blog to spam, but they did, and that says something.

I once knew a young lady who, when told that people were talking bad about her, said she didn't care. When asked why, she simply said, at least they are talking about me, so I must be on their mind. I think that's the right attitude to blogging as well. Even if the response is negative, at least they made a response, you were on their mind.

Of course, some blogs, like this one require little or no comments. You read the funny story or look at the pictures and move on. Unless the reader just wants you to know they were there, comments are not needed. Although I am sure they are appreciated nonetheless :)

So, think about your blogging. What is it you want from those who take the time to actually read it?


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