Friday, January 15, 2010

Because Accidents Happen

If you drive, and almost everyone does these days, then sooner or later you are going to be forced to deal with car insurance companies.
There are a lot of companies out there and they all want your money while protecting you, your vehicle and your passengers. They all make grand claims, from "fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent" to the old standby of "are you in good hands?". But, which one is the right one to choose?
The only person that can truly answer that question is you. Depending upon which state you reside in and just how much can you afford, many things come into play. Not all insurance policies are right for everyone.
Buying the right car insurance coverage and shopping for the most affordable price are important considerations whether you buy a new car or used. All states require some form of car insurance but even if that were not the case, driving without it is a huge gamble with the property and lives of driver and passengers. So, where to shop for this valuable commodity?
You could go and visit a local agent, if you have the time. But a lot of these agents will try to sell you insurance that will give them the most commissions. It's your policy, you should get what is right for you, not some agent!
Clicking on the link posted in this article will take you to a site where you can compare many insurance companies and find a policy that will fit both you and your pocketbook. There also is a section that will explain different terms, such as Comprehensive and Collision which cars are the safest (Audi Q7).
So, now is as good a time as any to take a look at insuring your car. Because, as we all know too well, accidents happen!

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