Saturday, January 16, 2010

Don't Pop it, Smooth it Away

You wake up and get ready for your day. You look in the mirror and your jaw drops. there are your face is a zit. You've got acne! Your first urge might be to pop that zit, but don't do it. Use a good acne treatment and go on with your day. Perhaps you should have been using acne lotions before you got that zit!
Acne lotions are often used as an afterthought. We think of them as the product you use after the real acne product, and most of the time they are. In fact, sometimes they even clog the pores and make acne worse!
But at, they have researched hundreds of different acne lotions to find those that act as real acne fighters and moisturize skin without clogging pores at the same time.
They analyzed and critiqued hundreds of acne lotions and treatments and ranked them based on the following 6 point criteria:

* 1. Effectiveness
* 2. Side effects
* 3. Ingredient Quality

* 4. Moisturizing Ability
* 5. Customer Feedback
* 6. Overall Value

Check out the results then choose the acne lotion and treatment that is the right one for you and your skin. Treat your skin kindly, it's the only skin you have! Then, once it's working you can wake up to face the day and look in that mirror with confidence, knowing that you won't be surprised by zits.

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