Saturday, May 15, 2010

FB And Spam

I like Facebook, don't get me wrong. I have nice friends on there as well as family members. It's a nice way to keep track of family that I have either never seen or have met when they were babies (grandkids). It's also a nice way to bug my grown up children that live two states away :)
What really irks me about FB tho is the spam I get. For some strange reason if someone posts a video or a photo everyone in their friends list gets "tagged". So, every time that someone posts a comment on the photo or video then I get an email. I'm not in the video or the photo but I must receive all the comments.
I get enough spam emails on a daily basis, I certainly do not require any more. I wish FB would fix this silly problem. I've wiped out about 40 emails today for a video that I was "tagged" in and I am not in the video. Hell, I haven't even looked at the video.
Stupid FB :(

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