Sunday, May 30, 2010

Watch What You Eat

More than one in five adults has a cholesterol problem. Perhaps it is all the greasy, fatty fast foods that we seem to consume so much of. It could even just be the way we eat those foods, always in a rush, hurry, hurry, hurry. It has to be hard on the body to absorb the right parts of the foods and get rid of the bad parts. Not that all fatty, greasy foods will do you in, but a steady diet of them may increase your chances of having a problem with cholesterol.
There are certain risk factors that may contribute to unhealthy cholesterol levels. For instance, high blood pressure, smoking cigarettes, a high fat diet, and genetics can put you at a higher risk for high cholesterol. Eating healthy and exercising regularly certainly helps to main healthy cholesterol levels, however, many people have found that diet and exercise are not always enough..
Not all cholesterol is bad cholesterol. Some of it is good and your body may need it. How in the heck are you supposed to know which is which? And, once you have discovered that you have a cholesterol problem how do you find the correct cholesterol treatment for you?
You can, if you desire, spend hours, perhaps days, searching the internet or scouring through books at your local library hoping to find a treatment that seems right for you. Or, you can take advantage of someone else that has already done the research already. Personally, I would take the second option. Like most people these days I do not have the extra time do spend doing research like that. I am sure you are one of those harried, overworked people as well.
Take a gander at the products that have been reviewed. Find one that makes sense to you that you think will work on your body. These products are not a one size fits all sort of thing as every body is different. Take this information to your doctor and talk it over with them. They know your body better than you do in these cases and can help you decide if it is right for you or not.
Once you have started with a treatment plan, change your diet as best you can. Make some time for some exercise too. Get yourself healthy. Remember, this is the only body you have, take care of it!

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