Monday, May 31, 2010

Wrinkles Are Not Cute

We live in a strange society. Young, 20-somethings hawk hair color on television as if they were old and needed to color their hair. Older celebrities hawk products that, they claim, will make you look or feel younger. Seems like folks cannot make up their minds what age they want to be.
When I was young, old people had wrinkles. They were called "character lines". Since my childhood antics often got me called a character I often wondered if I was going to get all wrinkly like them. Crow's feet were called "laugh lines" which certainly sounds better. What the heck were crows doing on someones face anyway? Your grandparents had these lines, perhaps your aunts and uncles too. If your parents were getting up there maybe they had them as well, but odds are you would be the blame, like you were for their gray hair. Odds are good too that only the females in your family worried about these lines. Men worried more about going bald than wrinkles or gray hair.
Times are much different now. The gender lines have blurred to the point where both genders worry about pretty much the same things. And wrinkles are a big concern for both men and women. There are a lot of products out there that claim to reduce these unsightly lines from your face, but which wrinkle cream is the best one for you?
You could spend a lot of time and money trying them all or doing research about them but, in the end, I think the only thing that would get you is a thinner pocketbook and more wrinkles. Better to use the research done by someone else and choose the product that you think is correct. Let someone else get character lines from too much studying!
So, if you have crow's feet under your eyes or your face isn't as youthful as you'd like it to be then check out the products on the website. Look as young as you feel. Give yourself an added boost without the cost of a facelift.

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