Friday, May 7, 2010

Vitamin Power

No matter your age you really need to take at least one vitamin. Babies get their vitamins from their formula and their baby foods. Children and adults these days normally cannot say the same thing. Too much fast foods from drive-throughs, too much food nuked in a microwave, too little time eating right and eating healthy. We need a vitamin supplement to ensure that our body is getting the nutrients and vitamins that it needs to keep us going.
Multivitamins are one of the least recognized health products on the market. They are looked upon as barely needed, and yet they are one of the most important elements of our health. In a society where most of us do not consume balanced diets in general, we need these formulas to help us to provide some level of balance, and they have been known to deal with many common health issues.
Some people need just one vitamin, some need all of them. I take Vitamin B-12 as I have bouts of anemia and I need that vitamin in a stronger dose than most multi-vitamins provide. But, I know that my body also needs other vitamins to keep me functioning well so a multi-vitamin is also required.
I'm sure that if you stop for a moment and think about what you eat on a day to day basis you will come to the conclusion that you need a multi-vitamin to help your body. If you have kids, you really need those vitamins. How can you explain to a child that a vitamin is important if you won't take them yourself? You cannot.

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