Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Would you?

The other night I got an email showing that one of my granddaughters had answered an ex boyfriend on her Facebook page. I got the email because I had replied to her post and so I get everything else that follows that reply. Usual stuff, I get a lot of those types of emails from Facebook.
What made this one different though is that she had included her Skype phone number, asking that young man to call her when he could. This immediately got my attention. I went straight away to her Facebook page and sent her a message saying I don't think it's a wise idea to put her phone number, even a Skype number, on such a public website.
I also went to Skype later that evening and found this young lady fairly fast. We had a very nice chat and she told me she had removed that reply with the phone number so I was relieved.
I have to wonder though how often young people do this sort of thing without thinking. A few months back, one of my grandsons destroyed a cell phone. He got a new one and immediately posted this new cell phone number on his Facebook page so all his college buddies could update their phones with his new number.
Am i being paranoid to think that these young people should have more sense? The internet is not the safest of places, we all know this. yet we continue to trust it just the same and put personal information out there on the Information Highway without thinking about where that highway goes.
No matter your age, I do hope you use some common sense when putting things on the internet. I know I do.

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