Wednesday, September 14, 2011


My wife keeps track, somewhat, of celebrities and their goings on by following TMZ on Facebook and she watches a show online called TMZ Live.
The more I hear that show the more I realize that celebs are as bad, if not worse, than spoiled little children. They always seem to have something to moan and cry about.
Today it was about whether or not a male celeb has the right to live some sort of life now that he is divorced and his celeb wife wants to send their child to a private school. WTH?
Yes, he has to help support the child, that is a given. As does she, that's also a given. But to squabble over whether or not the man can enjoy some pleasures in his life is ridiculous to me. She probably makes more money than he does. She is a producer, he is an actor that I last saw on tv doing a commercial of some sort. No, not a famous commercial, just a regular ad that appears on cable stations from time to time.
Then the ex-wife moans because he hired a lawyer to fight her latest "want" in court. She has a lawyer, wonder how much she pays him? That money could easily have been spent putting the child into a private school and that would have been the end of it all, but, no.
Like I said, spoiled little kids, always with an "I want"...

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