Monday, September 5, 2011


I have always heard that, if you die in a dream then you have died. If you are falling from a building for instance you must wake yourself up before you go splat on the sidewalk. I now no longer believe this to be true.
The last dream that I had before awakening today, I died in. I was putting things into the back of my car and there was an explosion and the car rear door collapsed on my head and killed me.
I was sad in my dream and not quite sure what to do now that I was dead but I had a cell phone in my hand and I tried to call home but the phone would not work, the battery was dead. I found a charger and plugged in in and still the phone would not work. I hate phones! lol
I then decided that my only solution to my problem of not being able to contact home would be to walk home. It was while I was deciding the best route to walk that I awoke. I was not terrified when I woke up, not gasping for breath or anything I woke up calmly.
So, if I died in my dream why did I not die? I do believe that stuff about you must wake up from a dream before you die is all a myth.

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