Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Posting Fool Today

And tomorrow looks to be about the same! Hope I do not bore anyone to tears or anything but I have things that I must do, I'm sure you all understand.
In the midst of all this stuff I must do is still the task of buying a Christmas present for my wife. I am sorely disappointed that the prices for what I wanted to give her have skyrocketed out of my reach. Serves me right though for waiting so long.
I normally have all my shopping done early because I shopped online mostly at Ebay using my PayPal money. Quick and easy, shop,buy,wait for delivery. But not this year.
Because I have no bank account PayPal says I have reached my spending limit through the years and refuses to let me do anything with my money other than request a check.
Nice little catch-22 there, a check for a man without a bank account. However I have solved that part, the place where I cash my retirement check every month has gladly allowed me to cash checks from PayPal as well.
So, I have cash to shop with I just need to get out of the house once I find the gift I wish to buy her, run in the store and get it, run back out to the cab and get back home and back onto the oxygen.
And, I will find her gift!!!

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