Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Robots That Play?

One of the things that seems to have plagued the gaming industry online all through the years is "bots", a software system that allows people to play games, win money and never even be on their computer. they can be at work, at school, grocery shopping, anywhere. Meanwhile the "bot" is at their home playing online. I have even heard people say that they had more than one "bot" playing at same time as their other "bot". Basically they cheated game sites out of lots and lots of money until they were caught.
I do not understand why anyone would do this. If you are caught the least that would happen is that you lose whatever money you made at the time. the worst i would imagine is that, if the company had already paid you money then they could essentially take you to court and retrieve their money and/or send you to jail for fraud.
No way I can see that playing with a "bot" is worth going to jail for. No amount of ill gotten gain is worth that, no matter what your circumstances. Well, maybe if you were homeless and starving, then jail might start to look okay lol

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