Sunday, January 20, 2008

Daily Routine

What do you do when you first fire up your computer in the morning? Run to your blog to see who has been there? Check your advertising to see how much you've earned?
Here's my daily routine:
I check my email, see if I have any important messages from family, any comments left on my blog, delete the tons of spam I get.

I then go to to do the daily things I need to do on the game site. All the while, I am drinking my coffee and having a cigarette, working my brain into a waking state.

Then, it's on to the "minor" email sites I use, Excite and Yahoo, to see if I have any blog comments there or comments to different blogging site forums.

Then, it's on to the advertising sites to see who is advertising on my site and how much they are paying me for the priviledge.

Then, it's on to the blog sites themselves, to see how the ads look, and click on them (sometimes it's hard to tell just what they are advertising). I also check the boxes that tell me who has been there recently and where they are located in the world.

Then, more coffee, more nicotine and the important part of the day begins, updating all my blogs.

There's ,my routine...what do you do?

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