When you’re a kid, being sick is kinda fun, depending upon how sick you are. You got to stay home from school, watch t.v. most of the day, play games in your room. Fun!
As an adult, being sick is not fun at all. Whether you are missing a day of work, or some other activity. Watching t.v. all day is boring. Surfing the net can be bothersome too.
Yesterday I woke up with a ballooned head, full of snot :( I felt tired and just generally run down. I felt so yucky I stayed home from my weekly bowling league. When that happens I know I am sick!
I managed to stay awake until later in the evening, and with the assistance of Nyquil managed to fall asleep and stay that way for almost twelve hours. Thank God I don’t have to go to work LOL
I am feeling a bit better today. Still kinda sluggish and tired, but not as snotty as I was yesterday. I also don’t feel like my stomach is going to erupt with a ton of gas boiling inside it like I did last night. I am happy for that!
I am sure there are better things to blog about, but right now my mind isn’t firing on all pistons. I will get better and blog about better things tomorrow
I hate cold and flu season, and I am not fond of winter, and being sick is NOT fun!
There’s my thoughts, where’s yours?
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