Friday, January 25, 2008

My First Real Spammer?

On my other blog,, I believe I got a spammer!

I got this comment:
gadeyhay lzdejpkm pfkrgflq
left by:
hwuzukea and the link went to here…
which of course Firefox could not find.

I am happy that someone read my blog, and took the time to leave a comment, I just wish it had been a comment that made some sense and was from a real web address LOL

If I have been spammed, does this mean I am beginning to succeed?


footiam said...

I don't mind being spammed. Means that someone is around. However, I will choose to ignore the spam.

fwidman said...

I didn't really ignore it, I think I left a comment back saying their comment made no sense. I am glad they took the time to comment though :)