Friday, July 24, 2009


I wish I knew more about the weather. Specifically about rain and humidity. For example, I'd really love to know why I have to suffer through a humid day when there is no rain or threat of rain.
It has been muggy here where I live for over a week now. Yesterday it finally rained. A long ways away from here!
I live in the desert, about an hour or so away from Los Angeles. It rained in Baker, California which is probably 100 miles away from me to the east and the north. Great for them to get some rain, but why must I suffer their humidity? It has been threatening to rain in the Baker area of the desert the whole time it has been humid here where I live.
As you may have guessed by now, I am not fond of humid weather. It is one of the reasons I live in the desert where the summers are hot and DRY! Humid weather is for places like the Pacific Northwest, or Hawaii or Florida. And, they are welcome to that weather.
Just leave me hot and dry...

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