Thursday, October 28, 2010

Friendly Ghost?

Nope, not Casper! Guess again.
There is a spirit inside my house. I do not know if it is one of those that was in the house I used to reside in or a new one. I can say that this one seems friendly though and that is a good thing.
Playful ghost, too. A little while ago I went to use the bathroom and found, on my way through my bedroom that there was toilet paper all over the floor. Usually this would be blamed on the dog because he seems to like toilet paper too. But not this time. Today the puppy has been in the kitchen with me since I got out of bed.
No, the dog didn't make that mess I'm certain. I have no doubt in my mind that I would have seen that mess when I got up and came out of the bathroom and made my way to this kitchen.
So, I believe it was the spirit of the house. Just another unexplained happening. Yesterday while I was alone in the house I heard a crash coming from my daughter's bedroom area. I didn't go look to see what it was but she told me later that a poster she had on the wall had come down and that must have been what I heard. yeah, right. Awful lot of racket for one silly poster.
The spirit has done some good here though. I have a small pillow that I use to keep my bony knees apart when I sleep and it somehow got lost. I asked the spirit to return it if they knew where it was and the pillow reappeared a couple days later. Odd thing is that it reappeared somewhere where I had already looked several times before, under the blankets on the bed. I'm happy though because I really need that pillow :)
I now have asked the spirit to help, if it can, find a wallet my silly child lost somewhere. It contains her social security card and an ID which she cannot replace. I'll explain that mess in a later entry. Just dumb is all I can say!
I shall continue to try to communicate with the spirit as best I can, hoping that it will eventually trust me enough to communicate back to me.

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