Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Let's Get Medical

I. like millions of others, hate going to see a doctor. Like most males I wait until things have reached the emergency level before I even think about a doctor. I know this is wrong but I still do it. When I do finally get to see a doctor I do expect them to solve all my aches and pains and ailments. And I expect them to have the best equipment that is available, you know, all the latest medical gadgets with all the bells and whistles.
Because heart problems run in my family with various relatives having heart attacks or strokes, the one piece of equipment that I truly want any doctor to have on hand is the latest and best ekg machine.
While I have not had serious heart issues I do have a history of lung troubles. When I go into an emergency room with chest pains I always am rushed to the nearest EKG machine to make sure it's not a heart attack. Sometimes I wish it were as lung troubles are so much harder to find and solve than heart issues.
If you are a physician or a health care professional then I urge you to have the best possible equipment available for your use. Whether that be a simple thermometer to the latest in EKG machinery I have no doubt that you will be happy to have the best equipment on hand. And I am certain that your patients, especially guys like me that wait for the last moment, will be even happier that you can help them quickly and efficiently.

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