Monday, October 25, 2010

Gift Cards

It isn't my usual thing here on this blog to complain about a company. In fact I like online businesses and have no qualms at all of promoting such things. But, not this time!
A couple months back I purchased a Visa gift card for myself from a company called VanillaVisa. Seemed like a good way to grab a few bucks on a credit card and shop online.
First I tried to use the card on I wanted to buy something for my wife but I couldn't. Avon apparently has decided for some reason not to allow users to purchase items with gift cards. WTH?? Okay, that's not VanillaVisa's fault. It did take VanillaVisa one week to give me back my money though so that stunk.
This time I tried to buy something for my computer from an online company called Surplus Computers. The transaction did NOT go through because of the gift card company! Since it is a gift card they have no address or name or anything like that so when I made the purchase using this information so that the company could send me the item they refused the purchase.
Basically I have a gift card with $20 that I cannot seem to use online. Guess I will send my daughter with it to the local store and she can buy some candy or potato chips or something.
I will never buy another one of these gift cards. Not much sense to buying something I cannot use! Might as well take twenty five dollars and toss it into the wind :(

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