Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's the middle of Summer and that means it is barbecue time for many folks. They can't wait to fire up the grill and cook, many come home from work dog tired but still have lots of energy if it is suggested they grill dinner.
Always seemed like a lot of extra work to me, making sure the grill is clean enough to cook on, do I have the charcoal briquettes, etc. etc. Things could be much simpler if I owned an electric grill, like this beauty:

I really like this grill because it is rather compact and is portable. You can grill in the backyard, the frontyard, heck you can take it to a party at the city park and grill! Now that is convenient. Nice to not have a large hassle if you need to be in a different place to cook.
The other nice part of this grill is that it is compact. Most people do not grill in their yard year-round so the grill has to be stored somewhere, like the garage. This one, being compact, will not take up that much space when you store it away for the year. I like that.
If you like to grill then you owe it to yourself to go and check out all the fine grills this website has to offer. Grab the one that you like best and, once you have it at your house, shop for your favorite grilling foods and throw a party for family, friends, or both.

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