Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rah Rah Rah

Earlier I wrote about my daughter and her fascination with wedding dresses and other such clothing. While I do not personally care about wedding dresses as it seems a shame to spend a fortune for something you can only wear once my child adores them. Personally I get more excited looking at sexy cheerleading uniforms like the one pictured above. Rah, Rah, Rah!
Cheerleaders work very hard at what they do, I know because I have been around a lot of them through my years working at a college. Nothing they do is as simple as it looks! Even though it is a lot of hard work they all enjoy what they do which is probably why it looks easy.
However, if your cheerleading days have passed you by you can still look like a cheerleader and you can cheer the love of your life with this costume. I am certain that your lover will get a real thrill of seeing you prance around waving your pom-poms and cheering.
And, if you are single and you cheer for your lover then, who knows, you might have to then start shopping for wedding dresses. Just don't call my daughter as she will spend your entire life savings on that one dress and still not be happy.

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