Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Internet People

Let's face it, everything we do these days seems to revolve around the internet. We watch television here, we watch movies here and we play here. Like many people I would be willing to bet I even have more online friends than offline friends.
I have made a lot of friends on the game site where I am a chat moderator and I have lots of fun interacting with these people through our text chats. But, alas, all is not always rosy.
Yesterday, after a long illness, one of the players that I am friends with lost his significant other. He is, of course, heart broken, as any normal person would be. He was on the game site because that is where his friends are. He did, privately, let a few of us know what had happened, the rest he just left to wonder. Don't blame him, I would most likely do the same in his shoes.
My friend has suffered a lot of hardships in his young life and I feel truly awful about this one. I can only hope and pray that he survives it. Would be a true shame to lose him as well :(

RIP Pam...

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