Monday, August 15, 2011

Too Touchy

Maybe it was the weekend, maybe it was the hot weather, maybe, just maybe, it was sheer silliness on their parts.
This weekend I managed to irritate two players both of whom decided they no longer wish to chat when I am around. Not sure if that was supposed to upset me but it doesn't bother me at all.
The first one wanted to continually talk about cake. He must have thought it was incredibly humorous but I did not. After my shift was over and I was hanging around the next shift he wanted to start back with talking about cake. The Mod on duty groaned (we had discussed it already in private). The player asked if people were tired of his cake talk and I replied that I had gotten tired of it 4 hours earlier. He left the lobby in a huff and I haven't seen him chatting there since.
The other one I upset last night. Not entirely sure what I did, probably asked them not to hog the chat lobby with their inane chatter about nothing. Who knows, who cares? He said he was leaving, we all said goodnight but he didn't leave, he was still playing on the site a few hours later. After my shift had ended he was back in the lobby chatting away again. Ugh.
The worst part of these two touchy people is that one of them seriously wishes to become a Mod! If he cannot take the mild criticism of me telling him he may be chatting way too much, how in the world is he ever going to take the abuse from players that Mods often get? You cannot be that touchy as a Mod, you can't just leave in a huff either, that just totally irritates me no end when Mods try to do that!

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