Wednesday, July 20, 2011


It is incredibly hot here in the desert, normal for the summertime. I don't object to the heat so much as I do the awful cooling off in the evenings.
It used to be, many, many years ago, that the desert would be blazing hot during the day and then after the sun went down would just be hot. We could have 115 during the day and be thankful when, at midnight, it was in the 80's.
Now that the place has grown and buildings and houses have replaced so much of the actual desert, it cools off in the evenings to the point where it actually feels cold. Ugh. My body does not like such drastic temperature changes.

One very nice thing to note about hot tho... my team, the Pittsburgh Pirates are in first place in their division! Whoo-hoo!!! Now all they gotta do is keep staying hot, win the games they need to win and stay in contention.
The other thing the team really needs to do is survive this month. It is July, trading time for baseball and the silly people in the Pirates front office often make trades that they claim are good for the team and usually are not. I am hopeful that, being in first place will convince the front office folks to stay out of the trading market this year. For once in their miserable baseball lives they need to give the kids a chance to prove themselves. The team has come together, the team is winning, the team needs to stay exactly as it is!

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