Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Power Is Important

Probably the most frustrating thing about using a computer is the famous blue screen of death that appears from time to time in Windows. Nothing can be done about that blue screen other than grumble and reboot the computer. But perhaps more frustrating though is a power surge that either shuts things down or, even worse, fries the computer.
A number of the Mods on my game site live in the eastern part of the United States and they have had some seriously foul weather, either heavy rains or tornadoes. The one thing they all say on Skype is that they hope their power doesn't go out. I don't blame them although I have to wonder why they have not checked out the latest in power supplies.
Every computer, whether used for fun and games or serious things like work should have some sort of power protection. Surge protectors are not that expensive. Certainly they are a whole lot cheaper than buying a brand new computer! Many surge protectors are fairly simple affairs, just plug the computer into it and plug the surge protector into the wall socket. Anything surges, the computer will lose it's power without any damage.
If you use your computer for work then you might seriously wish to consider buying a battery back-up system. This will give you ample time, if there is a power surge or other annoyance, to save your work and shut the computer down safely. Peace of mind there.
Don't take chances with freaky weather or your power company, get yourself some power protection and enjoy that computer for a long time to come.

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