Monday, July 25, 2011

Way Too Hot

We are one third of the way through Summer and the sidewalk is hot enough that one could fry eggs on it, although I never have seen anyone do that. As if the heat from the weather isn't enough, I came out of my cool bedroom this morning and entered into the kitchen, also known as the gates of Hades. Must have been another twenty degrees hotter in that kitchen than it was outside, my lovely wife was cooking spaghetti and adding fuel to the fire.
I will be the first to admit that I am as skinny as a stick. Even though I am that thin I am sweating in this heat like there is no tomorrow. I cannot imagine how much tougher it must be for those with some extra baggage to carry around.
If you are one of these people with a few extra pounds to get rid of, don't wait for the pounds to be sweat off, do something about it. Surely you will enjoy a lighter, slimmer, less sweatier you. But, what are the safest diet pills that work?
Well, my friends, you could spend countless hours being bored to death on the internet doing some heavy duty research of your own or you could be smart and save all that time by visiting the site that has done the research for you.
Once you have determined which diet pills are the ones for you, I urge you to take that information and discuss it with your doctor. The doctor will know if those pills will do anything detrimental to your personal medical situations. Better safe than sorry!
Shed those unwanted pounds and then get yourself outside in your favorite bathing suit or shorts and tee shirt and enjoy the lovely warmth of Summer.

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