Friday, July 8, 2011

Lowe's Savings

Yesterday morning one of the Mods on my game site had to leave in a rush to go help a neighbor. Seems the 73 year old neighbor had his water heater break and there was water everywhere. The water heater had only been installed for about five months, bought from Lowe's. It appeared that the water heater came undone at a welded seam, which is why there was so much water. A quick phone call to Lowe's and all concerned were assured that Lowe's would not only replace it immediately, they would also assist in cleaning up the mess. Very nice business practice for Lowe's and I salute them.
Lowe's is a very popular home improvement store, I know because every time I have been there there is always a lot of customers. Their prices are already good, but did you know that you can save even more money there by using lowe’s coupons?
From accessories to windows, Lowe's has the home improvement items that every house might need. Even if you are not improving but say, replacing a water heater, Lowe's has the goods.
Check out the coupons on the website and see if there is something you may need then take advantage of the coupon and buy it now at an even better price. There is nothing better than saving money by using Lowe's coupons short of free. You know I love free. But, I also love saving money, period. This is why these Lowe's coupons are so nice to have.

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