Sunday, June 17, 2012


The girls got me a new keyboard and Windows cannot find any drivers that will make it work :( Searched online and all I got was a bunch of reviews saying how worthless this keyboard is and it isn't worth the ten dollars they paid for it. Something about the keys not working properly and doing strange things. So, I thought I'd test things out with my blog to see what happens :) First things first tho. To make the keyboard work I changed it from a USB one to a PS2 one with an adaptor I had laying around gathering dust. As soon as I restarted, viola, the keyboard worked :) So, time will tell if this thing is going to pass muster or not. Hope the girls kept the receipt because they bought it at Walmart and Walmart is very good at taking things back that do not work properly :) So far, everything looks good... Testing: zxcvbnm,./';lkjhgfdsaqwertyuiop[]\=-0987654321/*98-+74563210. ` Yep, all looking good so far.....