Saturday, March 30, 2013

Have A Seat

Summer is on its way and that means the big wedding month is on its way as well, June, the month of brides. Many of these brides and their families are thinking, because the weather is so nice, that an outdoor wedding would be great. I agree, outdoor weddings are very nice to attend. The only big problem is that, unless you are close to the aisle you don't always get to see a lot of the ceremony. Rather you see a lot of the back of the head of whoever is sitting in front of you. Not good. Here is an idea for those of you planning an outdoor wedding, bleachers. Yes, I said bleachers! Imagine all of your wedding guests being able to see the whole show. Very nice that way and certainly something that family and friends will be talking about for years to come. While you are at it, check out the nice picnic tables too, because you are going to need a place for the wedding cake and wedding gifts and food if you are serving food. This will certainly be the wedding to remember! The memories of this event may outlast the marriage but I hope not. I am very fond of couples that stay married a long time. Check out the bleachers and tables at this site. They are well built and designed with safety in mind. You certainly do not want to have wedding crashers to mean anything other than strangers showing up.