Friday, March 22, 2013

Squeaky Wheel

Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself. It isn't a pleasant thing to do but you reach a point where you think you need to do it and you do. Yesterday something came up in our weekly meeting that made me realize I have been the "token male" of our group too long. Everyone seems to have been given a way to contact the owner of our game site except me. Hmmm... that doesn't seem right or fair to me. So, I fired an email off last night asking the Support person what am I missing here? I am the only one of the three Admins that cannot contact the owner if I need him? What kind of a boss is that? Got a very nice reply from her today. She thinks that I didn't have it simply because the owner never thought I would need it. Well, okay, I can buy that as he is a very busy man with lots on his mind so maybe it was an oversight. She did give me the way to reach him that the other Admins have and I am happy with that. I do hope that I never have to use it though.