Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Well, Of Course!

Okay, they were going to come and take away my oxygen because they seem to think that I don't need it anymore. This makes me chuckle since I am on it 24/7. The only times I have been off of it in the past year is when the power went off.
The medical supply company then tells me I must get a test done to prove that I still need the oxygen. An arterial gas test is what they wanted and that can be done at the hospital.
On Saturday I had my lovely wife call 9-1-1 because I was having some chest pains to go along with shortness of breath. Stress and nothing more.
While in the ER we ask if they can do the test and they say yes. They admit me into the hospital where I stay for 2 and a half days. They perform the blood test twice at 4:30 in the morning while I am trying to sleep. God forbid a patient can sleep the whole night lol
Once I am released we get home with the test results. My lovely wife then goes to half a dozen places trying to find a fax machine that will work so the medical supplier can see the results. My poor wife is over-stressed from all of this. Finally the medical people get the test results and, surprise of surprises, turn the test results down! Here is the kicker... They turn down the test results showing that I still need the oxygen because...get ready... when they performed the tests I WAS on oxygen!
In the hospital they would not take me off of it because they could see that I desperately need it to breathe. Hospital staff have sense. Medical supply company, no sense whatsoever. So, now we are back to square one. I need to find someone that will get the test done quickly and without me being on oxygen at the time.
Why do insurance people have to be so damned idiotic?