Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Single Edged

Back when I was a young man those who did not get a shave from the barber's straight razor shaved themselves at home with single edge razor blades. These blades were sharp and dangerous and more than most shavers gave themselves a nick or two as they learned to shave.Thank goodness for styptic pencils and tissue paper. But, because they were sharp they did an excellent job of getting rid of a man's facial hairs. There was no need for multiple blades or lotions added to the razors that we see today. They were simple and easy to use. Just the way it should be when one has a sharp object on their face or *gasp* down at their Adam's Apple. That was always the tricky part! It's time to move backwards here folks. I see tons of ads every day using faces of young business types and I am always shocked that they all seem to look like they have five o'clock shadow or simply need a shave period. You want a close, comfortable shave? Then look at single edged razor blades and a real razor, not the disposable ones that are so frequently touted. It may just be the best shave you have ever had short of a barber.