Monday, June 8, 2009

Hack Away!

Hackers can be a strange breed of human. Sometimes they are malicious, in that they want to bring either companies or average users like you and I to suffer by wreaking havoc on our computers. Sometimes they just want a website to suffer, either because they have a beef with the website company owner or they just do it for fun. Maybe they are doing it for practice.
Yesterday I went to a website for a moving company, to do some research so that I could write a decent blog article for this company. Imagine my surprise to see that the site had been hacked and the hackers had left behind what they perceived to be a message of peace. I say perceived because, quite frankly, the message was not very good English and was difficult to comprehend.
Being bored, I followed some links that they had left behind on the page by Googling the websites. I did not go directly to the links they left behind because I rather like having my computer work and I don't trust any hackers that leave a trail to follow.
In the Google links I found another site they claimed to have hacked so I went there. Sure enough, there was the exact same "peace" message. I guess these hackers have way too much time on their hands, or they simply need a lot of practice.
The other site that they hacked? A website that specializes in fancily priced woman's clothing. What the heck? A moving company? A woman's clothing site? I guess I am just too dense to see the connection between these two things.
I hope the hackers enjoyed themselves. I have to wonder though how long it will be before the proper authorities catch up to them since they insist on leaving their email addresses on the page.
Whatever their reasoning for hacking, I hope they have fun. I also hope they don't hack my blog. After all, I am all for peace :)

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