Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Week Of Injuries

Not talking sports here, but I wish I was. Looks like it's been a bad week around this house, with both myself and my wife hurting.
Somehow, and she has no clue as to what she did, Shelly has managed to hurt a muscle in her lower back/buttocks area. If she wasn't constantly saying "ow" I might laugh. But, I value my life a little too much to laugh at that.
As for me, my lower back has been hurting for a few days now. Not sympathy pains either. My back is not the best on a good day, but the past few have been driving me nuts. I reach a point where I actually have to leave the computer and go sit in my overstuffed chair in the living room. I hate leaving the computer LOL
I hope tomorrow is a better day for both of us :) I have a package arriving (I hope) in the morning and I want to be able to pick it up and carry it inside.

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